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Happy Children


Duchess Agnes Foundation is an organization created in honor of our sweet Agnes Azuka Ibe. We tragically lost Agnes on March 12, 2007. Although she departed this Earth, she left us with many memories. One major memory that Agnes left us with was her desire to serve people, especially children. We want to honor Agnes by meeting the needs of the individuals she wanted to reach the most. Through this organization, we hope to ultimately reach people in need all over the world, not only to honor Agnes but to most importantly share the gospel of Christ.

Children transitioning from their home to foster care often leave with little or nothing. Although we know that we cannot completely take away the pain that may come from being removed from their homes and families, we would like to attempt to make the transition to foster care smoother. For now, Duchess Agnes Foundation will provide duffle bags that include essential items - hygiene products, blankets, kid friendly activities, and more. Each bag will also include a bible and kid friendly gospel tracks. As Duchess Agnes Foundation continues to grow, we plan to expand the services we offer.

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